Ο Πελέ αποχαιρετά τον Γκόρντον Μπανκς
Βίντεο...Τον Γκόρντον Μπανκς που έφυγε σήμερα από τη ζωή σε ηλικία 82 ετών αποχαιρέτησε ο θρυλικός Πελέ.
Εγραψε σε ανάρτησή του στο facebook:
«Για πολλούς ανθρώπους, η μνήμη του Gordon Banks έχει συνδεθεί με την απόκρουση που είχε απέναντί μου το 1970.
Καταλαβαίνω το γιατί. Η απόκρουση ήταν μία από τις καλύτερες που έχω δει όσο έπαιζα και στα χιλιάδες παιγνίδια που είδα έκτοτε. Όταν είσαι ποδοσφαιριστής, ξέρεις κατευθείαν πόσο καλά έχεις χτυπήσει τη μπάλα.
Έπιασα αυτή την κεφαλιά ακριβώς όπως ήλπιζα.
Την έστειλα ακριβώς εκεί που ήθελα να πάει. Και ήμουν έτοιμος να πανηγυρίσω.
Αλλά τότε αυτός ο άνθρωπος, ο Μπανκς, εμφανίστηκε μπροστά μου σαν φαντομάς, έτσι τον έχω περιγράψει.
Ηρθε από το πουθενά και έκανε κάτι που δεν ένιωθα ότι ήταν δυνατόν». Δεν μπορούσα να πιστέψω αυτό που έβλεπα. Ακόμη και τώρα που το βλέπω, δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω.
Δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω πόσο γρήγορα κινήθηκε», ανέφερε ο διάσημος Βραζιλιάνος και πρόσθεσε:
«Εχω σκοράρει τόσα πολλά γκολ στη ζωή μου, αλλά πολύς - πολύς κόσμος όταν με συναντά με ρωτάει για εκείνη την απόκρουση.
Παρότι ήταν ωστόσο μοναδική, η ανάμνησή μου για τον Μπανκς δεν καθορίζεται από αυτή. Καθορίζεται από τη φιλία μας. Ήταν ένας ευγενικός και ζεστός άνθρωπος που έδωσε πολλά στον κόσμο»
«Είμαι λοιπόν χαρούμενος που έσωσε την κεφαλιά μου, επειδή εκείνη η πράξη ήταν η αρχή μιας φιλίας μεταξύ μας, την οποία πάντοτε εκτιμώ».
For many people, their memory of Gordon Banks is defined by the save he made against me in 1970. I understand why.
The save was one of the best I have ever seen - in real life and in all the thousands of games I have watched since.
When you are a footballer, you know straight away how well you have hit the ball. I hit that header exactly as I had hoped. Exactly where I wanted it to go. And I was ready to celebrate.
But then this man, Banks, appeared in my sight, like a kind of blue phantom, is how I described him. He came from nowhere and he did something I didn't feel was possible. He pushed my header, somehow, up and over. And I couldn't believe what I saw. Even now when I watch it l, I can't believe it. I can't believe how he moved so far, so fast.
I scored so many goals in my life, but many people, when they meet me, always ask me about that save. While it was indeed phenomenal, my memory of Gordon is not defined by that - it is defined by his friendship. He was a kind and warm man who gave so much to people.
So I am glad he saved my header - because that act was the start of a friendship between us that I will always treasure. Whenever we met, it was always like we had never been apart.
I have great sadness in my heart today and I send condolences to the family he was so proud of.
Rest in peace, my friend. Yes, you were a goalkeeper with magic. But you were also so much more. You were a fine human being.
The save was one of the best I have ever seen - in real life and in all the thousands of games I have watched since.
When you are a footballer, you know straight away how well you have hit the ball. I hit that header exactly as I had hoped. Exactly where I wanted it to go. And I was ready to celebrate.
But then this man, Banks, appeared in my sight, like a kind of blue phantom, is how I described him. He came from nowhere and he did something I didn't feel was possible. He pushed my header, somehow, up and over. And I couldn't believe what I saw. Even now when I watch it l, I can't believe it. I can't believe how he moved so far, so fast.
I scored so many goals in my life, but many people, when they meet me, always ask me about that save. While it was indeed phenomenal, my memory of Gordon is not defined by that - it is defined by his friendship. He was a kind and warm man who gave so much to people.
So I am glad he saved my header - because that act was the start of a friendship between us that I will always treasure. Whenever we met, it was always like we had never been apart.
I have great sadness in my heart today and I send condolences to the family he was so proud of.
Rest in peace, my friend. Yes, you were a goalkeeper with magic. But you were also so much more. You were a fine human being.
από : kathimerini.gr
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